Olivia Pezzente
Olivia Pezzente
Olivia Pezzente
My name is Olivia Pezzente. I’m from Vancouver, Canada – I’m the youngest of two sisters and forever the baby to my two Italian parents. I moved to Toronto when I was 18 for theatre school at Ryerson University. I spent most of my adolescent life in a ballet studio where I was taught drive, discipline, and how to slick my hair back into a bun (refer to photo below/above/wherever it is). I ended up staying in the city for close to 8 years. I started modeling, did some styling but as of now I am currently back in Vancouver focusing on product development for a fashion retailer. Toronto still holds a big part of my heart and is still one of my favorite cities to visit – it has the best restaurants, stores, bars, but most importantly the best people owwww.