Why did an item sell for higher than my asking price?

To support our customers, StockX has created an experience that we call "All-In Pricing" that enables us to match Buyers and Sellers within the same region better by significantly reducing import duties and taxes. Additionally, when matching Buyers and Sellers in different regions, we’ll include applicable customs duties in the item’s initial Ask price whenever possible. This benefits Buyers as they will see the lowest Ask price of a product with any applicable fees included.
Unfortunately, the same pricing calculation does not apply to the "View All Sales" data where you may see another item has been sold for a higher price than you listed. Items can sell higher than a given customer's asking price as the Buyer for that sale may have been located in a region where the Ask was not the lowest Ask.
StockX has always been passionate about providing more transparency to our customers. This experience ensures that the Ask you see closely reflects the price you pay. No surprises.
For more information about whether you are in a region supported by the All-In experience, see this article: Pricing Models Used on StockX.

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