Need to reset your StockX password? Here's how to regain access to your account and update your password.
How do I reset my StockX password?
To reset your StockX password, go to the Profile section of your My Account tab and select the "Reset Password" button. You can also do this from the log-in page prompt.
Once you've requested a password reset, an email will be sent to the address associated with your account, allowing you to update your StockX password.
If you don't see an email from StockX, check your spam and junk folders before submitting another request.
How do I reset my password if I registered with a social account?
If you signed up for StockX using a social account like Google, Apple ID, Facebook or X, you may have a different email associated with your account.
You will need to complete your password reset through the social provider, as this is not managed by StockX.
If you're having trouble accessing your account, we recommend resetting your password directly through your social account then attempting to log in with StockX again.
What's the best way to create a secure password for StockX?
The best way to create a secure password for StockX is to choose something unique that you don't use on any other websites.
Password requirements for StockX are as follows:
- at least 8 characters long
- one capital letter
- one number
- one special character
For additional security, you are encouraged to use a longer passphrase that contains multiple special characters.
What other features can I enable to make my account even more secure?
If you want an added layer of security, StockX also allows you to enable
Two-Step Verification on your account.
I’m not receiving any emails after requesting a password reset
If you're not receiving password reset emails, try these troubleshooting tips:
- Check your spam or junk folders.
- If you signed up for StockX using a social media account, reset your password through that provider instead.
- Check any filtering rules enabled in your inbox.