Editorial - May 21, 2019

Last updated on August 12, 2019

That's 5 | Claude VonStroke

Tamar Davis

Copywriter, StockX Sneakers

Movement 2019 is just around the corner, and StockX had the good fortune of connecting with Detroit’s native son, and house and techno wunderkind Claude VonStroke. This year he will be performing alongside Green Velvet under their GET REAL moniker. And to get you all ready for Movement and GET REAL, he was kind enough to bless us with his video for his new song, “My Love Check,” that is all about his love for Detroit.



Check out the latest installment of “That’s 5” with Claude VonStroke below.

The following has been lightly edited for length and clarity.

What Influences you?

I would have to say a lot of Detroit and Chicago music influences me. UK jungle is pretty influential in my life as well.

That's 5 with Claude VonStroke

Most overrated?

I would say Coachella. It’s cool but its not really a true festival. Coachella is for people who want to go to something that gives off “Top 40” vibes.

Most underrated?

A lot of the records that come out. It’s difficult to hear records nowadays because labels release so many at the same time. There are always big records but 80% of them are sleepers that no one has heard before.

That's 5 with Claude VonStroke

What are you most excited about, right now?

“Stroke Show” is something we’ve been working on for a while now, and its filmed at our house. We travel to places and do comedy bits too. It’s an opportunity to film me doing things that put me outside of my comfort zone.

What’s next for you?

I’m starting to work on the production for an album that I’m planning on releasing on our birthday next year. I also have 3 EP’s coming out this year as well.

That's 5 with Claude VonStroke