August 2, 2019

Last updated on August 9, 2019

That's 5 | AMRIT and Deb Never

Kevin Kosanovich

Kevin holds a Ph.D. in American studies and is an expert in American cultural history and hip-hop. He is the Senior Content Manager at StockX.

StockX recently caught up with musical artists AMRIT and Deb Never. They shared their thoughts on holidays, traveling, and Balienciagas on this edition of “That’s 5.”

The following interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity.  

What influences both of you?

Deb Never (D): That’s a hard one; that’s a loaded question. A lot of things influence me, but I’m going to say life, just life in general.

AMRIT (A): [ahhh] I was just about to say that! That was my answer. It’s like life and then experiences. Also, travel, being in different cities, being immersed in different cultures, seeing different people.

D: 100% life, and everything.

What is the most overrated, right now?

D: There’s so many that I just don’t know.

A: New Year’s Eve is overrated; it’s too much pressure.

D: Christmas is overrated. No, no, Thanksgiving is overrated.

A: Thanksgiving, why? You’re a Chandler [Matthew Perry’s character from the TV show “Friends”]. I think I’m done with the [Balienga] “Triple S.” I wanted them when they first came out, but not anymore.

D: Donald Trump is overrated; white supremacy is overrated.

AMRIT and Deb Never

What is the most underrated, right now?

D: Daily Paper [Amsterdam based clothing company].

A: Daily Paper. We love Daily Paper, and we’re always wearing the brand. They’re just starting to have a moment in New York and the states. It’s a brand that talks about being inspired by their African heritage and making clothes for their Muslim friends and still, like, have a lot of swag.

D: Damn, I don’t know. Cowboy hats? I don’t know there’s a big hee-haw moment going on right now, so they might have to go to the overrated section in a minute.

A: Dim sum. I think it’s an underrated food because people only have it on the weekend when they’re hungover. It’s everyday food for me.

D: 100%.

What are you most excited about, right now?

D: First of all, I’m excited to eat right after this interview. I’m excited to go back and finish and release my songs.

A: I’ve heard them, and they’re really fucking good.

D:  I’m so fucking excited.

A: I’m excited about so many things. I’m excited about continuing to tour this year. It’s been such a ride visiting so many different cities and connecting with so many different people. Outside of music, I have a lot of different collaborations coming out: I have a food collaboration; I have an eyewear collaboration; I have a travel collaboration. TBD on those details, but it’s going to be sick.

AMRIT and Deb Never

What’s next for both of you?

A: Being better friends with Deb.

D: Ahh, that’s really sweet.

A: That’s why we wanted to do this interview together.

D: And more good times, that’s what’s next.

Bonus Question: Was that 5?

D: We circled.

A: Yeah, we circled back.

D: We did four and then circled back.


@itsamrit | @debnever