Apparel - Décembre 11, 2018

Last updated on Août 9, 2019

That's 5 | Chase B

Kevin Kosanovich

Kevin holds a Ph.D. in American studies and is an expert in American cultural history and hip-hop. He is the Senior Content Manager at StockX.

What influences you? 

What influences me is perpetuating the past and modernizing it. I have a deep respect for the people that came before me and those that came before them. Especially when it comes to DJing, I want to make sure generations after us know what happened before and making sure I leave my own mark, as well. I’m definitely influenced by who did right before we became professionals. I definitely have a lot of respect for and at the same time putting your own twist on everything.

Chase B

Most overrated? 

Social media, Instagram and all of that. As necessary as they are, people put way too much emphasis on what happens on social media and not actually what’s in front of their faces. Social media, I think that’s the most overrated thing right now.


Most underrated? 

I guess, to piggy-back off the last question, the most underrated is actually experiencing things. Even just following before you lead is underrated. Everything is so immediate, now. I think the process of things is pretty underrated. The actual path it takes for things. Taking the time out and go through every single step to get to where you want to be is pretty underrated.

Chase B

What are you most excited about, right now? 

I’m working on a lot of music right now. I’m getting ready to put out some singles in the new year. I’m excited about that. I’m excited about the whole creative process. Kinda shying away from nightclub DJing and everything I have been doing to more actual music making process.

We just opened a store, me and Travis just opened a store in Houston. That’s like our baby right now. We’re still finishing construction on it and we’ll open it back up early next year. I’m extremely excited about that; I’m really looking forward to that.

Chase B

What’s next for you? 

What’s next for me is definitely my own production. I’m working on my own album, and executive producing a lot of stuff. A lot of design, away from music: designing sneakers, t-shirts, hoodies, and a lot of merch for the store. And that’s another thing I’ve been learning about: you shop all the time, but when you open your own business you need to take a step back and look at everything under a microscope.

Bonus Question: Was that five? 

Was that five? Like five questions? I think it was five.

Chase B