How long does my Seller have to ship my order?

Seller shipping times vary, but our overall delivery time is 5 to 12 business days.

In most cases, your Seller has two full business days to ship your item. Please note that the day you make the purchase does NOT count as a full business day.

If you purchase an item on, or shortly after the item’s release date, the Seller may have additional time to ship, to accommodate the time it takes for the Seller to receive the item from the brand or retailer.

All new release items sold on their release date have three (3) additional business days to ship (5 total). StockX may provide additional business days to ship various new release items at our sole discretion.

Also note that Sellers may request one additional day to ship for any order. Please also consider that your Seller may be in a different time zone (and continent) than you, meaning the exact time they must ship your order by is dependent on their location at the time of sale.

If the Seller does not ship by their individual deadline, we will attempt to link you to a new Seller to prevent order cancellation. If we are unable to find a suitable new Seller, a full and complete refund will be automatically issued to your original payment method.

Xpress Ship items are offered to customers within the US. These have already been pre-verified and stored in our Verification Centers. As soon as your Bid matches a Seller’s Ask for an Xpress Ship item and an order is placed, it gets shipped from StockX immediately.

To learn more, please visit our FAQ: What is Xpress Ship?
