What is a Sponsored Ask on StockX Pro?

What is a Sponsored Ask?
Level 3+ Sellers in select regions can pay to promote their listings on StockX with Sponsored Asks.

A Sponsored Ask on StockX is a listing promoted by the Seller across the StockX platform. These ads will only appear on the StockX website and app. With StockX Sponsored Asks, Sellers can power sales by strategically reaching the engaged and valuable StockX audience.

For advertisers looking for information on how to use the Moloco Sponsored Ask dashboard, please visit visit our FAQ: What are Sponsored Asks on Moloco?

How should I use Sponsored Asks?
StockX Sponsored Asks can help move your inventory faster by advertising your listings to millions of current-culture shoppers on StockX around the world. Get started in just a few clicks, manage your Ads, and track your progress right in StockX Pro. Plus, you can get started with as little as $5 per day.

Where are Sponsored Asks displayed?
Currently, there are several dedicated places for Sponsored Asks on StockX. The ads appear to StockX users across the StockX iOS & Android apps, as well as on the desktop website. Placements include, but are not limited to:
  • The ‘You Might Like’ carousel on all product pages.
  • The ‘Recommended For You’ carousel on the StockX homepage.
  • Within search results for specific brands and products.

What is Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)?
Return on Ad Spend, or ROAS, is total sales divided by ad spend. Your ROAS is entirely dependent on the price point of your products and how well they convert. The higher the item value and conversion is, the higher the ROAS.

For example, if sales attributed to your Sponsored Asks are worth $100 (after fees and taxes) and you spent $50 on advertising, your ROAS would be 100 / 50 x 100% = 200%. So for every $1 you spent on advertising, you earned $2 back. Monitor your average ROAS, and make adjustments as needed.

How do I get started with Sponsored Asks?
Eligible Sellers can get started with Sponsored Asks by going to the Selling tab of StockX Pro, and selecting Advertising. From there, select “Get Started” and you will be prompted to fill out additional information about your goals, what products you’d like to advertise, and your budget. You can always edit this in the future.

You will be prompted to agree to StockX’s Advertising Policies and can select “Start Advertising” to complete the setup. From there, you will be taken to your Advertising dashboard, which displays your Sponsored Ask inventory. Max Budget, and other data.

How do I advertise new items?
To advertise new items, go to your listings in StockX Pro, and select the items from your inventory that you’d like to advertise. Then, apply the “Start Advertising” bulk action. Ads can be run on both Standard and Flex listings. You will see a yellow Ads tag next to any of your listings with Sponsored Asks.

How do I edit my daily budget?
In the Advertising dashboard, select “Edit” in the Max Budget section. From there, you can adjust the slider to select the maximum amount you’d like to spend each day. Note: this does not guarantee that you will always spend your max budget, but rather that you will not spend more than your selected max budget.
How much do Sponsored Asks cost? Is there a minimum spend?
Sponsored Asks use a Cost-per-Click (CPC) pricing model, meaning Sellers are only charged when an ad is clicked. There is a $5 minimum daily budget, but that amount doesn’t have to be spent in one day. It’s recommended that Sellers set a sufficient budget to avoid running out of the allotted budget too early.

How and when will I be charged?
Sellers using Sponsored Asks will be charged monthly, with the charge to your StockX credit card on file occurring on the 15th of the month after the ad spend occurred.

How will I get charged for running Sponsored Asks?
You will be charged monthly for ad spend using the credit card associated with your StockX account.

How do StockX Ads work if I’m not the ‘lowest Ask’?
There is a filter automatically in place to omit any advertised items that aren’t the lowest Ask. If you are advertising the ‘Lowest Flex Ask’, that Ask will be eligible for advertising.

How are the advertised products selected to be displayed as Sponsored Asks?
StockX utilizes machine learning to determine the most relevant items in real-time using three factors:
  • How the user interacts with StockX, such as the verticals, brands, and products they view while browsing the site or app.
  • Your cost-per-click bid (the higher your Bid, the higher the chance your ad will appear).
  • A user’s location on the StockX website or app.
This information is used to display relevant products to the right users at the right time.
