Editorial - April 10, 2020

Last updated on July 30, 2020

On The Line With... HIDDEN®

Elhadji Mare

Elhadji is a Creative Content Strategist & Writer @ StockX

Learn how streetwear's favorite Instagram curator is spending time at home.

Learn how streetwear's favorite Instagram curator is spending time at home.

This article is part 1 of 31 in the series: On The Line With...

If you’ve decided to make your Instagram story a mood-board, HIDDEN® might be the reason for that. Through the archival photos and products that he displays on his feed, HIDDEN® has garnered over 216K followers, including some of our favorite celebrities, with hundreds of users reposting his content all over social media. Without showing his face, he lets his curation represent him and his likes, and the audience flocks towards them. As we all are stuck at home, being entertained and inspired by his posts (sometimes thirteen a day), we wanted to chat with HIDDEN® to learn more about the man behind the page and how he’s passing the time in his New York City apartment.

Describe what you do for a living and how you’re adjusting to social distancing.

I work under the name HIDDEN® as a curator and freelance menswear designer. Having worked from home for the past 2 years my routine has not drastically changed but it feels very different. I would normally walk around the city a lot, eat at restaurants with friends and go to meetings at peoples offices/ studios. For the time being all of that is unfortunately cancelled. I’ve gotten more used to working remotely with collaborators and companies, gotten significantly better at cooking and have become very focused on the merchandise for my page [@hidden.ny].

During this time of social distancing, people are leaning on things such as streaming services, puzzles, at-home workout classes,etc. What activities are you using to take your mind off of things? 

I’ve restarted Zelda BOTW, GTA V, and got Animal Crossing (to flex fits on my friends). Binge watched every Trap Lore Ross video on Youtube. Watched Tiger King, Devs, and Dave. Pretty much going through every kind of media I’d normally put off for work and trying to enjoy them as much as I can whilst I won’t feel guilty about it. 

What is keeping you grounded/balanced at the moment?

Curation has been keeping me going, I’ve been posting a lot. Digging through old blogs, books, and magazines to try to find interesting content. My Merchandise has become a great outlet for me, making things I think are fun and interesting. I’ve been trying to take it further with production of indigo dyed products in Japan, one off customized shoes and cut/sewn varsity jackets. Music has also helped a lot, I got some new headphones and have been revisiting a lot of songs that meant a lot to me over the years.  But most of all, trying to enjoy the small things in my life. Growing plants, making coffee, speaking with friends. In some ways it’s been good to take this time to pause and reflect on where I’m at

How have you stayed connected to friends and family during this time?

I’ve found that I’ve been talking to family and friends via Facetime and WhatsApp more frequently than I was before social distancing. I’m from England and don’t see my family often since moving to New York. This time has been good for reconnecting although it can be very worrying being so far away from them.

How do you typically start your day? What daily rituals are you practicing?

I’m very much a night person so I often wake up quite late, around 11am. I drink coffee (sometimes Yerba matte) first thing while I check Instagram and post. I wouldn’t say I have any specific rituals, except a very thorough skincare routine, but I’m routinely posting on my page throughout the day and watching YouTube videos while I work. 

How are you staying productive while at home? Any useful tips?

Take advantage of the opportunity to work at home or just be at home. You can blast music, get weird creatively, just do things you wouldn’t normal be able to and have fun with it. Personally, I’ve theorized for a while that working from home is actually more efficient than in an office. I’m interested to see if this will have an effect on how people view workspaces and if it will have any lasting effect on corporate policies.

My tips would be to work in silence occasionally. At home it can be tempting to always have music or videos playing but when you really have to focus, especially on written work, try to have total silence for that time. Also, get dressed as if you’re going to work. The way you present yourself can affect your mentality. Sometimes getting out of your sweatpants and into something more presentable helps you think clearer.

What advice would you give to someone who’s struggling in isolation right now?

Speak with your friends, express your feelings; everyones going through the same thing. Try to keep busy, even if it’s just getting hooked on a new TV show or game. Bring nature into your home, grow some plants. And, if you must, I’d say to safely go for a walk (wear a mask, stay away from anyone else’s personal space) and get some fresh air. Being outside even if for just 10 minutes or so seems to always have a positive effect on my mood. I’ve been keeping the windows open in my apartment, and can hear the birds chirping throughout the day. Appreciate the small things if you can. 

What accomplishment or new project are you most proud of while social distancing?

I’m proud to have raised money for COVID-19 charities through my self isolation merchandise and upcoming raffle. I’m very happy to be doing another design competition for my followers on Instagram, the entries so far have been outstanding. It seems like a good way to help people stay busy.

What are you most looking forward to once this is over?

I can’t wait for New York to be back to normal. For stores, restaurants, and bars to be back open, all the things I enjoy most here. It’s bizarre to see this amazing city shut down but hopefully it’s for the best and we’ll come back out of it with a fresh perspective of how lucky we are to be here. 

@Hidden.NY | www.hiddenppf.com