Damien Hirst Art Prints

Mayo 2, 2022

Last updated on Abril 28, 2022

Damien Hirst Art Prints Are Now Available On StockX

Ian Semivan

Ian is a content creator at StockX with a focus on trading cards and collectibles.

Damien Hirst is the latest artist to have his works added to the StockX catalog.

Damien Hirst is the latest artist to have his works added to the StockX catalog.

In July of 2021, StockX Collectibles launched the Art Prints subcategory with over 400 prints  available to trade. Since then, the number of art prints on StockX has more than doubled, with over 900 prints featured. Today, we are excited to announce the newest artist in the catalog: Damien Hirst.

Hirst gained notoriety as one of the leading names of the Young British Artists movement that rose to prominence in the late 1980s through the 1990s that was known for using a wide variety of materials and wowing audiences with their shocking installations. It was at this time that Hirst grabbed international headlines for his series entitled The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living saw Hirst create a series of dead animals including a shark, lambs, cows, plus more preserved in formaldehyde. Hirst quickly capitalized on his initial achievements and has since become one of the world’s most commercially successful contemporary artists.

The initial Damien Hirst Art Prints catalog contains 22 pieces, with plans to continuously expand it over time. As of today, you can trade several different Damien Hirst Art Prints including pieces such as Butterfly Heart, Butterfly Rainbow, The Currency, and several from his Empresses collection. For every Damien Hirst Art Print sale on StockX, the artist will receive a 4% right to resale royalty that will be paid at the end of each year.

Click here to shop the full Damien Hirst catalog on StockX, or look below to see a sampling of his works.