Marzo 19, 2014

Last updated on Aprile 29, 2016

Only 1% of Jordans end up on eBay

Back in January Complex ran a piece listing the best selling Jordans of 2013 using data provided by sneaker data guru Matt Powell.  We took Matt’s retail sales data and compared it to the sales of those Jordans on eBay and what we found was quite interesting.  On average, only 1% of Jordans sold at retail make their way to eBay. Below is a table showing most of the top selling Jordans and their ratio of eBay sales to retail sales.

Jordan eBay to Retail Ratio 031214

So what’s this mean?  It means that people bemoaning resellers snatching up all the inventory are probably overstating the problem.  Yes, there are other places people resell kicks, but there is no other channel that has even a fraction of eBay’s volume.  Thus, if only 1% are ending up on eBay, then a whole lot of Jordans are being bought by people who want to own them.  And that’s pretty cool in our book.