五月 27, 2020

Last updated on 七月 30, 2020

On The Line With... Jamie Foy

We caught up professional skateboarder Jamie Foy on how he's spending time at home.

We caught up professional skateboarder Jamie Foy on how he's spending time at home.

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You may know Jamie Foy as one of the best skateboarders in the game, or more accurately, the guy who eats handrails for breakfast.

At only 23 years old, Jamie has already won Thrasher Magazine’s “Skater of the Year” award, become an X Games medalist, joined the USA Skateboarding National Team, secured multiple sponsorships, and earned the respect of all in the skate community. For this installment of On The Line With… we caught up with Jamie to find out how he’s staying connected to friends and family, and how he’s skating his way through these uncertain times. Read Up.

Describe what you do for a living and how you’re adjusting to social distancing.

I am a professional skateboarder riding for New Balance, Red Bull, Dickies, and Deathwish. I pretty much hang out with my friends and have fun for a living. I am fortunate enough to live with some of my homies. That honestly makes it easier during these times. My roommate Kaylanne Diaz is a filmer, so it’s easy to go out and shoot. Now, I am just being more strategic on when and where we go to film.

During this time of social distancing, people are leaning on things such as streaming services, puzzles, at-home workout classes,etc. What activities are you using to take your mind off of things?

I’ve been putting some extra time in on NBA 2K on Xbox. Also, been keeping the house extra clean, and working on my interior design skills.

What is keeping you grounded at the moment?

Honestly, just skating and living with the homies keeps me grounded.

How do you stay connected to friends and family during this time?

Facetime and text messaging. We also now have a family group chat. My grandmother has been sending the craziest photos and memes. It is pretty funny.

How do you typically start your day? What daily rituals are you practicing?

I wake up and lay in bed for about an hour scrolling. Then I take a shower, and afterward, I bless the IG with my classic eggs, bacon, and hash browns.

How are you staying productive while at home? Any useful tips?

I keep coming up with ideas on what spots we can skate during the quarantine. Also, planning where we will be going after this is all done. I stay inspired by keeping up with my own homework of watching more skate videos.

What advice would you give to someone who’s struggling in isolation right now?

Stay positive, active, and as productive as possible. Just know that this will soon be over.

What accomplishment or new project are you most proud of while social distancing?

Since the quarantine, and knowing that I do not have to compete at contests and I am traveling less, I have been able to go out and film in the streets more. I am really looking forward to putting out some new projects. Also, I’ve been working on a new shoe with New Balance that I am really excited about it. I can’t wait for people to see it. 

Jamie Foy | XGames | Redbull | Dickies | Deathwish | New Balance