Editorial - 十一月 20, 2019

That's 5 with Kode With Klossy Scholars | Lizzie High

Kevin Kosanovich

Kevin holds a Ph.D. in American studies and is an expert in American cultural history and hip-hop. He is the Senior Content Manager at StockX.

Kode with Klossy programs provide the opportunity for young women across the country, ages 13-18, to attend free two-week bootcamps that introduce them to key computer science concepts and skills. Kode with Klossy scholars collaborate with each other and explore the limitless potential of code and computer science.

We interviewed the three Kode with Klossy scholars responsible for some fire holiday picks, River Pease, Lizzie High, and Lydia Tan, for three special Kode with Klossy editions of “That’s 5.”

The following interview has been lightly edited. 

What first sparked your interest in learning how to code?

My curiosity for coding started at a young age. When I was seven, I learned how to hack my LEGO Star Wars video game, and I was so fascinated with all the intricacies of video games and all things technology. I just wanted to know how it worked, and the rest is history.

How did you get involved with KWK?

I first learned about Kode with Klossy from my older sister, who had been following Karlie on social media when it was first launching.  It sounded like the coolest place to learn about coding, and the stories from what the scholars were doing were so inspiring.  A year or two later, it was announced that there would be a Kode with Klossy camp in Detroit. I was so excited to apply, and even more ecstatic when I got accepted.  That first camp I participated in changed my life and applying was the best decision I have ever made.

What is most exciting about being a KWK Scholar?

The coolest thing about being a Kode with Klossy scholar is the amazing community I get to be a part of.  Because of Kode with Klossy, I am connected to hundreds of the most amazing, intelligent, and friendly individuals who are so willing to collaborate on anything simply because of our connection through Kode with Klossy.  These girls are truly changing the world, and being connected to them is nothing short of a privilege. This community has taught me so much about all the amazing opportunities there are for me in the world of tech. Most importantly, Kode with Klossy has introduced me to some of my best friends, and for that, I am forever grateful.

What’s a misconception about learning to code you’d like to change?

So many people think that coding is impossible to learn and only for math geniuses, but that really couldn’t be further from the truth.  Coding is creative and collaborative, and there’s no one skill you need to be good at to learn it. Coding comes from problem-solving, creativity, and persistence.  I strongly believe that anyone can learn to code, and anyone can have fun coding, because no matter if you’re into art, science, or anything in between, you can tie coding to your interests and really do incredible things with it.

What would be your dream project?

I believe that computer science has the power to make the world a better place, so for my dream project, I would want to make something that would create progress on a global issue.  While crises in the environment are largely due to large corporations, the motivation of an individual is important for making a difference for the health of our planet. I would code an app to help people be more mindful about reducing their environmental footprint by reducing waste consumption and being aware of the environmental impact of the companies they are buying from.