How much does shipping cost for sellers?

As a Seller, your shipping cost is deducted from your total payout.
Once a transaction is complete, you will receive a shipping label in the "My Account" section of the site. You are responsible for packaging and dropping off the item with the shipping carrier using the label provided. After the product arrives and our team of experts verify the item and condition, your payout will be released.

Heavier items? We adjust the shipping costs when necessary for heavier items and multi-item packs. You should still use the label provided even if the weight is incorrect on the label.

Commercial invoice? If you are required to include a commercial invoice for international shipping between continents, we will provide one along with a UPS shipping label. If you haven't been provided with a commercial invoice, you don't need one. For further instructions about shipping with commercial invoices, please visit our Shipping Instructions FAQ.

Estimated base shipping rates are shown in the table below. Shipping fees vary according to several factors including the item price, size and type, shipping costs determined by our carrier partners, and the Seller's location.

Note that, depending on your location, you can take advantage of free shipping by using one of our StockX drop-off locations.

Single Item Shipping Costs
  • All Other Markets - $30.00 (USD)
  • Austria - €5.00 (EUR)
  • Belgium - €5.00 (EUR)
  • Bulgaria - €10.00 (EUR)
  • Canada - $6.00 (CAD)
  • China - $20.00 (USD)
  • Croatia - €12.00 (EUR)
  • Czechia - €9.00 (EUR)
  • Denmark - €10.00 (EUR)
  • Estonia - €11.00 (EUR)
  • Finland - €15.00 (EUR)
  • France - €7.00 (EUR)
  • Germany - €5.00 (EUR)
  • Greece - €17.00 (EUR)
  • Hong Kong - $48.00 (HKD)
  • Hungary - €12.00 (EUR)
  • Iceland - €10.00 (EUR)
  • Indonesia - $15.00 (USD)
  • Ireland - €11.00 (EUR)
  • Italy - €7.00 (EUR)
  • Japan - ¥1200.00 (JPY)
  • Latvia - €12.00 (EUR)
  • Liechtenstein - €15.00 (EUR)
  • Lithuania - €12.00 (EUR)
  • Luxembourg - €5.00 (EUR)
  • Macao - $10.00 (USD)
  • Malaysia - $10.00 (USD)
  • Malta - €30.00 (EUR)
  • Netherlands - €5.00 (EUR)
  • New Zealand - $15.00 (USD)
  • Norway - €25.00 (EUR)
  • Philippines - $15.00 (USD)
  • Poland - €5.00 (EUR)
  • Portugal - €10.00 (EUR)
  • Puerto Rico - $5.00 (USD)
  • Republic of Cyprus - €35.00 (EUR)
  • Romania - €10.00 (EUR)
  • Singapore - $10.00 (USD)
  • Slovakia - €11.00 (EUR)
  • Slovenia - €11.00 (EUR)
  • South Korea - ₩4,000 (KRW)
  • Spain - €8.00 (EUR)
  • Sweden - €14.00 (EUR)
  • Switzerland - €20.00 (EUR)
  • Taiwan - $10.00 (USD)
  • Thailand - $15.00 (USD)
  • United Arab Emirates - $20.00 (USD)
  • United Kingdom - £4.00 (GBP)
  • United States - $4.00 (USD)
  • Vietnam - $20.00 (USD)

Bulk Shipping Costs
  • Austria - €5.00 (EUR)
  • Australia - $15.00 (AUD)
  • Belgium - €5.00 (EUR)
  • Bulgaria - €10.00 (EUR)
  • Canada - $6.00 (CAD)
  • Croatia - €12.00 (EUR)
  • Czechia - €9.00 (EUR)
  • Germany - €5.00 (EUR)
  • Denmark - €10.00 (EUR)
  • Estonia - €11.00 (EUR)
  • Spain - €8.00 (EUR)
  • Finland - €15.00 (EUR)
  • France - €7.00 (EUR)
  • United Kingdom - £4.00 (GBP)
  • Greece - €17.00 (EUR)
  • Hong Kong - $48.00 (HKD)
  • Hungary - €12.00 (EUR)
  • Italy - €7.00 (EUR)
  • Japan - ¥1200.00 (JPY)
  • Lithuania - €12.00 (EUR)
  • Luxembourg - €5.00 (EUR)
  • Latvia - €12.00 (EUR)
  • Malta - €30.00 (EUR)
  • Netherlands - €5.00 (EUR)
  • Poland - €5.00 (EUR)
  • Portugal - €10.00 (EUR)
  • Romania - €10.00 (EUR)
  • Slovakia - €11.00 (EUR)
  • Slovenia - €11.00 (EUR)
  • South Korea - ₩4,000 (KRW)
  • Sweden - €14.00 (EUR)
  • United States - $4.00 (USD)
  • Rest of Europe - €10.00 (EUR)
