Supreme Bandana Box Logo Tee Navy

Apparel - December 24, 2019

Last updated on December 30, 2019

Supreme Bandana Box Logo Tee Navy

The Supreme box logo, or BOGO as some call it, has become one of the most hyped products ever made, not to mention one of the most recognized logos in the world. The Supreme Bandana Box Logo Tee Navy is the latest twist on the timeless design that has made Supreme as “world famous” as its moniker states. The Bandana Box Logo t-shirts released as a part of the Fall/Winter 2019 season, just a couple weeks after the hooded sweatshirts of the same style released. These BOGOs feature paisley print within the box logo, giving the release a unique style compared to previous releases. In all, 8 color choices of these short sleeve Supreme t-shirts released.

If you were lucky enough to cop on its December, 19, 2019 release day, make sure you share your photos with us on IG. If you’re looking to sell your Supreme Bandana Box Logo Tee Navy, list an Ask on the StockX marketplace and we will let potential buyers know your asking price. If you missed out and still need to add this Supreme box logo release to your collection, place a Bid on the StockX marketplace and we’ll let sellers know your offer. All colorways are now available in small, medium, large, and extra large sizes.

Supreme Bandana Box Logo Tee Navy

Supreme Bandana Box Logo T-Shirt
Retail: $38
Release Date: 12/19/2019