Noviembre 19, 2020

Big Facts: Travis Scott

Jesse Einhorn

Senior Economist at StockX

From sneakers to action figures to chicken nugget pillows, everything Travis Scott touches turns to gold.

From sneakers to action figures to chicken nugget pillows, everything Travis Scott touches turns to gold.

As a continuation of our StockX Snapshot data reports, we’re launching a new monthly feature that will detail important trends and insights from the secondary market. This month, our Big Facts focuses on Travis Scott – how he’s transcended from sneaker god to cross-genre mega-influencer. Download the report here or keep scrolling and read below:


Everything Travis Scott touches turns to gold. His sneakers resell for $850 on average; 95% of his streetwear sells for above retail; his McDonalds collab sparked a 400% increase in StockX search volume; and his toys and accessories average 130% premiums.