Brittany BHM

February 28, 2020

StockX x BHM | Brittany

Peter Lucido III

Peter is a content manager at StockX with a focus on electronics.

This article is part 75 of 82 in the series: That's 5

Black History Month is an important celebration where everyone can come together to talk, share, listen, explore, and learn about the central importance of the black experience in American society.

For this installment, we talked with StockX team member Brittany from the Software Engineering team.

The following interview has been lightly edited.

Do you remember your first experience with Black History Month?

As a child, I had the honor of learning about black history from not only my school, but from my family members as well. I remember sitting with my grandmother and listening to her share stories about her childhood and how she navigated life in the South during Jim Crow, to her finding a newfound sense of freedom with The Great Migration, where she relocated to the North. In addition, during Black History Month, my elementary school was sure to educate us on black leaders through plays, movies, documentaries, and literature.

How has Black History Month inspired you?

It’d be an understatement to say that Black History Month inspires me when I’m inspired by black history. From learning early on about the experiences of my ancestors to being an adult and witnessing the trials and triumphs my race has experienced, I’m inspired daily to persevere. Additionally, black history inspires me to represent my family, race, and culture with the utmost respect and to be an example of black excellence in my community.

Why do you think Black History Month is so important?

Black History Month is important because during this month conversation is sparked around the history and accomplishments of African Americans in this country; this leads to more and more people being educated about black history. Furthermore, it’s important for our younger generation of African Americans to see just how far our race has come and where we’re headed. Representation is major, and it is imperative for our young people to see that they can make a difference and have an impact on our history just like Martin Luther King Jr., Barack Obama, Beyonce, etc.

Why is it important for StockX to honor Black History Month?

Honoring and celebrating Black History Month is important for any and all companies. However, it’s highly vital that StockX honors black history due to our diverse employees, clientele, business partnerships, and the communities we serve. A great deal of the products and content we provide are inspired by black culture in some way, shape, or form and it’s important to acknowledge and honor that.

What do you think is Black History Month’s legacy?

In a perfect world, black history would be celebrated and discussed beyond the month of February. However, until that time comes, I believe that our younger generations will continue to go the distance and bridge the gaps that remain today. We’ll continue to educate our youth and peers on the history and accomplishments of African Americans and work towards unity and inclusivity.

Be sure to check out more of our celebration of Black History Month