Marzo 21, 2018

Last updated on Novembre 12, 2020

About That Storm...

Jesse Einhorn

Senior Economist at StockX

Another week, another Nor’easter making it rain- but with snow. Is it spring yet?

As of this afternoon, UPS has suspended pickups and deliveries in several Mid-Atlantic counties, and more areas may be affected as the storm moves north. A complete and active list of all affected zip codes is available on the UPS site.

We at StockX don’t want sellers risking life and limb to make a shipping deadline. As such:

  • Sellers impacted by the storm will have a 1-day extension on their required shipping times, and won’t be penalized for late shipments.
  • If you are a seller in the path of the storm but it hasn’t arrived yet, please ship your items ASAP, before conditions become unsafe.
  • Buyers should be aware that there may be shipping delays associated with their orders over the next several days; if you are waiting on the item and it is delayed, please be patient.
  • We hope that everyone affected by the storm stays safe and warm, and we thank you all for your continued patience.

*NOTE: If you live in an affected area, there is no need to contact us in advance. We’ll factor in the extension based on your location.