Streetwear behemoth Supreme collaborated with Katsuhiro Otomo’s acclaimed manga, AKIRA, as a part of their Fall/Winter 2017 collection. The story of AKIRA revolves around a post-World War III Tokyo (aka Neo-Tokyo) that is dealing with political corruption, biker gangs and super powered humans. Not surprisingly the all of those things are intertwined. Supreme was allowed access to the manga’s original artwork to be used how they seemed fit. Here we see one of the more graphic art pieces used in the form of a graphic tee. Put on a lime base, the Supreme AKIRA Arm Tee lets the image do all the talking. The “Arm” graphic is a moment when one of the main character loses control of his special abilities and his arm starts to transform in front of him. An iconic moment is recaptured in its original format and is front and center. The black and white image is a bold statement on the bright base. If you look closely you can see there the character now sporting a Supreme box logo tee. One of the most popular pieces when the collection released on November 2nd, 2017, the lime Supreme AKIRA Arm Tee can be grabbed on the marketplace.
Supreme AKIRA Arm Tee Lime
Retail: $48
Release Date: 11/02/2017