Editorial - May 9, 2020

Last updated on July 30, 2020

On The Line With... Benjamin Edgar

Elhadji Mare

Elhadji is a Creative Content Strategist & Writer @ StockX

Learn how the multi-disciplined Benjamin Edgar is spending time social distancing while staying indoors in Chicago.

Learn how the multi-disciplined Benjamin Edgar is spending time social distancing while staying indoors in Chicago.

This article is part 16 of 31 in the series: On The Line With...
Benjamin Edgar wears many hats. Edgar is the founder of Boxed Water, his own educational platform called th-oughts, and is a well known artist utilizing abstract objects on his site Object Company. Oh and did we forget to mention co-founder of THE BRILLIANCE! with friends Chuck Anderson and Virgil Abloh. Even on his very busy schedule, we were fortunate enough to get some time with the multi-talented Benjamin Edgar and learn more about his life during self-isolation at home. Read our latest addition to our On The Line With… series.
Describe what you do for a living and how you’re adjusting to social distancing. 
I’m a designer and “maker of things. Maybe “maker of projects” is more accurate. Not sure, but I always have like 2-3 projects spinning at once. As for adjusting, when I’m not traveling, I live a somewhat solo and low-key life anyway for the most part so it’s not super different with the exception of restaurants which I miss both for the food but also for what they mean to a city.
During this time of social distancing, people are leaning on things such as streaming services, puzzles, at-home workout classes, to name a few, what activities are you using to take your mind off of things?
100% using whatever given streaming platform more. I’m big on documentaries and searching YouTube for interviewing of people I find fascinating, etc. Kind of endless which is nice. Bike rides. Walks. Leaning into cooking a bit more. I really enjoy simple Southern Italian food. I ordered the River Cafe London 30 cookbook. But mostly it’s work. I very much enjoy working on all the projects I have, so I find comfort in digging in on them.

What is keeping you grounded/balanced at the moment? 
Somewhat selfishly I suppose it’s focusing on creative output. I feel incredibly lucky that my projects/businesses can continue on through times like this. I also spend a lot more time than usual texting, calling, etc. with friends. Shoutout Tyrell Winston and Reese Cooper…it’s like a daily constant stream of text with those guys.
How have you stayed connected to friends and family during this time?
Not a huge FaceTime person. Traditional phone calls have started to take over a bit more than usual. Though I have done a couple FaceTime cooking lessons with my friend Zac.

How do you typically start your day? What daily rituals are you practicing?
Not too much off the normal. Shower. Make the bed. Light incense. Take lypo-spheric vitamin c. Make coffee. Have a sparkling water. Maybe a ProBar for breakfast. Work a bit. Avocado for lunch. Trying to do a late afternoon bike ride around the city and find little cuts I’ve never explored in the later afternoon after I’ve worked a bit.

How are you staying productive while at home? Any useful tips?
For me, so much of it is about allowing the mind to be calm. Someone described what we’re going through as an incredibly loud grinding background noise that is ever-present. In a way you get used to it, but it can, of course, be wildly distracting you have to find a way to weave around it for moments and let your mind focus on whatever it is you’d like to be focused on.
What advice would you give to someone who’s struggling in isolation right now?
Somewhat the same as above. I personally struggle with this, but take time away from the screen. Reading a book can be incredibly immersive compared to social media, etc. FaceTime if you can, go on walks, bike rides, etc. Movement seems to be critical right now. Have a bit of grace for yourself as well, as this is truly unprecedented.

What accomplishment are you most proud of while social distancing? 

I don’t have much personally to be proud of in a time like this. I suppose I’m very proud that I’m a member of a species that has other members who are willing to be nurses, doctors, and care-takers. They are truly incredible people.
What are you most looking forward to once this is over?
Restaurants. Nico here in Chicago to be specific. I already know what I’m going to order. In a broader sense, I’m looking forward to hopefully having a new appreciation and lens to look at things through.