Editorial - July 12, 2020

Last updated on July 30, 2020

On The Line With... Savannah White

Elhadji Mare

Elhadji is a Creative Content Strategist & Writer @ StockX

For this latest edition of On The Line With..., we chat with stylist and costume designer Savannah White as she spends time at her NYC home.

For this latest edition of On The Line With..., we chat with stylist and costume designer Savannah White as she spends time at her NYC home.

This article is part 25 of 31 in the series: On The Line With...

What does Megan Rapinoe, Millie Bobby Brown, and Kilo Kish all have in common? They’ve all been styled by the meticulous eyes of Savannah White. Based in New York City, Savannah has added her personal touch on everything from editorials to videos, with her stylized looks being featured in The New York Times, W Magazine, and James Blake’s Barefoot in the Dark music video, just to name a few. For this latest edition of On The Line With…, we got a chance to chat with Savannah White as she spends time at her NYC home.

Describe what you do for a living and how you are adjusting to social distancing.

I’m a freelance stylist and costume designer. Honestly, last week was the first week I felt like creating or inspired/motivated at all and I’ve been in quarantine like most I’m sure, since the second week in March. I’ve been taking the time to observe and stay informed on how things are quickly changing within the industry and how I can adapt and continue to create during this time. Also not beating myself up when I’m not feeling creative or productive and remaining super grateful when I am.

How do you typically start your day? What daily rituals are you practicing?

I start my day with coffee, The New York Times briefing, meditation, and journaling. Then I’ll usually do an online workout class of some kind just to make sure I’ve got my body moving for the day.

How are you staying productive while at home? Any useful tips?

Limiting my social media, and news intake. If those things are triggering for you right now then try to limit the amount of time you’re on them during the day. I make to-do lists and have started a habit tracker to hold myself accountable and it helps me stay productive.

What is keeping you grounded/balanced at the moment? 

Talking to friends and family, my cat Kramer, cooking, and reading.

During this time of social distancing, people are leaning on things such as streaming services, puzzles, painting, at-home workouts, to name a few, what activities are you using to take your mind off of things? 

I rotate between P.volve, Tracy Anderson, & Nike for workouts, and I’ve also been taking some great online classes through SkillShare and Yale.

How have you stayed connected to friends and family during this time? 

A lot of FaceTiming and phone calls. The beauty in this has been that I’m probably more connected with friends and family now than when I am super busy with work and traveling. Having more meaningful conversations, and catching up daily has been really nice.

What advice would you give to someone who’s struggling in isolation right now? 

Like I mentioned earlier, I think limiting screen time, moving your body in some way each day, picking up an old hobby or something new you’ve always wanted the time to do and find some gratitude in the little things, even if that doesn’t feel possible right now.

What accomplishment or new project are you most proud of while social distancing? 

I think that having good health and mental state right now is enough for me to be proud of, BUT my cooking is more fire than its ever been!

What are you most looking forward to once this is over?


@savwhite | www.savannahbwhite.com