The holidays are upon us and Supreme has been celebrating the festivities for a few weeks now. After releasing Christmas accessories in back to back drops for Week 16 and 17, the brand has returned with another holiday delivery. For Fall/Winter 2021 Week 18, they have come through with their annual Winter Tees drop, which features the inclusion of the apparel brand’s yearly Christmas T-shirt. Officially dubbed the Supreme Spend It T-shirt, this week’s Pick of the Week is joining the rest of us in our holiday celebrations.
Holiday-specific apparel can sometimes come off as corny or overdone, but Supreme manages to do it well every single year. This year, Supreme’s Spend It T-shirt plays into a classic holiday trope that’s silly, relatable, and gives off the sense that maybe we’ve all lived the same life. The shirt pokes fun at the idea of receiving money, specifically a $10 bill, for Christmas, a gift that many have likely received from a well-intentioned grandparent at some point in their lives. Below the $10 bill is the phrase, “don’t spend it all in one place”, which is clearly meant in a sarcastic fashion, but is oftentimes communicated with a tone of naïve seriousness, particularly by the elders among us who remember days of money going much further than it does today.
The Supreme Spend It T-shirt shares a lot in common with the Christmas T-shirts of past seasons. For instance, most of the brand’s Christmas T-shirts make some kind of explicit mention of the holiday as a part of the garment’s graphic. The Spend It T-shirt features Merry Christmas messaging front and center, as the phrase makes up essentially one third of the visual on the front of the shirt. While the Merry Christmas messaging clearly sets this t-shirt aside as a holiday piece, stowing it for next December isn’t all that this will be good for. Worn ironically over the summer, this t-shirt will surely get a laugh, even if it’s only from you.
Supreme Christmas T-shirts have gone in a number of directions over the last few years, covering everything from Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” to Santa Claus holding a Box Logo. Some of these t-shirts have gone on to become collectibles while others have yet to reach such a status. The Fall/Winter 2016 Supreme Santa T-shirt for instance, has been resold on a regular basis for more than $200. Supreme’s Mariah Carey T-shirt from last year on the other hand, is still selling for pretty close to the same price that it did when it released. 2017’s Christmas T-shirt, which features a red skeleton and a green skeleton demonstrating different sex positions, has risen in resale value since its release, but only slightly.
The Supreme Spend It T-shirt, like most other Christmas T-shirts, was made available as a part of the streetwear brand’s yearly Winter T-shirts release. This season’s drop included nine new graphic t-shirts, most of which featured some kind of artist collaboration. Unfortunately, Supreme held off on the release of Box Logo T-shirts, which were expected to be delivered as a part of this year’s Winter T-shirts drop. Over the past two years, Supreme has followed up their Box Logo Hoodie release with a Box Logo T-shirt release, so it was a bummer to see that trend end in 2021 with dashed expectations.
The Supreme Spend It T-shirt is available on StockX below alongside several other t-shirts released as a part of Fall/Winter 2021 Week 18.