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Pikachu 1999 Pokemon TCG Jungle1st Edition #60 (PSA or BGS Graded)

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The Pikachu 1999 Pokémon Jungle 1st Edition 60/64 is part of the second main expansion to the Pokémon card game produced by Wizards of the Coast. The set focuses on Generation I Pokémon including Flareon, Snorlax, Jolteon, Scyther, and more. This Pikachu shows the Electric-type Pokémon with red cheeks, charging up with lightning bolts protruding out of its body, against a forest background. Below the left hand side of the art panel you can find the legendary Pokémon "1st Edition" stamp that was only ever utilized when Wizards of the Coast held the licensing rights to the Pokémon TCG. Pokémon Jungle first released on June 16, 1999.

12-Month Historical

12-Month Trade Range
£30 - £241
All-Time Trade Range
£158 - £286
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