Editorial - March 31, 2019

Last updated on August 9, 2019

That's 5: WHM | Sugarmilkk

In honor of Women’s History Month, StockX will be spotlighting some of our favorite women in the game.

In honor of Women’s History Month, StockX will be spotlighting some of our favorite women in the game.

Editor’s Note: For our latest installment, we caught up with Sugarmilkk, a Detroit-made photographer & director based in Chicago, IL. Read our “That’s 5” interview to learn more about this inspiring creative, also known as Haley Scott, and what’s next to come in her career.

Who are some of the women that have influenced you?

Some of my strongest influences that come from women are friends of mine that are in tune with their spiritual self and share their peace. I’m so inspired by the beauty inside and out of a woman who has fallen in love herself and her power. They inspire and empower all they encounter by nature.

They’ve always gracefully helped me to blossom and nurtured my soul by seeing me and accepting me.

What is most overrated at the moment?

Seeking Approval – (not limited to likes/follows..)

People are so used to looking for approval from others instead of trusting their instincts. It’s ironic how unauthentic it makes people who are desperately trying to look and feel real.

Be yourself!

Like what you like, wear what you want, love who you want, feel what you want, post what you want.

Stop letting others shape who you are. Stop censoring yourself for others who aren’t even sure of their own selves.

Know yourself.

What is most underrated at the moment?


I’m working and dominating in previously male dominated fields (media/photography/directing, hip-hop, sports). Even after 11 years of impressive professional experience, I still face the same misogyny I did from day one. And not that I should have to prove my worth, but the feeling of exceeding all expectations and standards is a glorious one – simultaneously demolishing stereotypes and setting the bar higher than men have been able to reach.

Being a female artist, we are packed with a feminine genius and intuition that can’t be learned. Women are SO underrated in what they bring to the table artistically which is baffling because art is born from emotion, which women are so in tune with.

If you could give advice to your younger self, what would you say?

I would give similar advice my mom gave me growing up.

We don’t come from money at all, but it never mattered much because we were raised knowing the importance of love, and how to give and receive love. You can have millions and still be empty inside. I see that happen on the daily.

I’d tell my younger self to trust your good heart. The real will recognize real. You can have “nothing” and have everything if you know love.

What’s next for you?

I’m shooting a documentary with another badass lady friend who’s highlighting overseas basketball players in their team’s country.

While I love the shots I get of action in gameplay, I’ve always been one to show the intimate side of the people who are the hardest to get to know. This project will be a really fun challenge and without a doubt beautiful!

Beyond that I’m trying to escape to LA for a bit and do some extra creative work-directing some really different and exciting music videos for our favorites. So much to come!!