12 / 15, 2020

Last updated on 2 / 3, 2023

Snowed In, Power's Out

Elhadji Mare

Elhadji is a Creative Content Strategist & Writer @ StockX

You can still have fun when the power is out during a blizzard.

You can still have fun when the power is out during a blizzard.

This article is part 47 of 41 in the series: Home For The Holidays

What happens when the power goes out? We are so used to screens being on, lights staying bright, and WiFi…WiFi-ing, that we panic when everything goes dark. This season is sure to bring in inches of snow which, for some, can lead to power outages. What is one to do when the grid is down?! We can go back to the good days of spending time with those around us, playing games, reading, and living in the moment.

Keith Haring Uno Cards

If you’re looking for a fun way to keep the family engaged as you’re snowed in, then look no further than these Keith Haring special edition UNO cards. The fun, and also extremely dramatic, part about UNO is that everyone has their own way to play the game. The rules always seem to change and no one is ever satisfied, which are the makings of any good drama series. This game will replace your need to binge-watch Grey’s Anatomy as you sit back and watch your family argue over the use of a “Reverse” card. Plus, with the playful designs of Keith Haring’s signature characters on each card, you may not feel as bad after making your mom Draw +4 for the second time. Just keep adding fuel to the fire and the fun will only cease after someone shouts “UNO OUT!”

Supreme Tamiya Hornet RC Car Flames

Who said you can’t drive a car when there’s 10 feet of snow outside? Literally everyone! Don’t do it! It’s very dangerous! So why not settle for the next best thing? Back in 2019, Supreme partnered up with Japanese model kit maker Tamiya for a special edition RC car. This RC is loaded with great features that will make you forget about your snow-tire Toyota Camry. It drives to speeds up to 25 mph and comes equipped with rugged tires so that it can go fast throughout any part of your home. And with a mix of flames and Supreme graphics, it is sure to be just the thing to keep you hot inside while it’s below freezing outside.

Supreme “Blessed” DVD

Maybe not everything in your home is out of power. Maybe you dug up that backup generator that your dad bought 5 years ago because “you can never be too careful”. Now with the promise of some electricity, you can play both games on your new PS5 and also watch some movies. Supreme came out with their compilation video entitled Blessed, and blessed is how you’ll feel when watching it with your family. It is filled with some of the gnarliest tricks, burns, and scenes of that classic laissez-faire attitude we only tolerate from Supreme employees because, as any teenage hypebeast says, “it’s cool how they sweat it out in an OG box logo tee and not give a fuck”. And, while you’re stuck at home with limited power and the one TV in your home, you have to force your family to sit through it as well, giving you another excuse to explain, for the umpteenth time, why Supreme is so popular. Blessed is more than just a movie, it’s a much needed lesson plan that will give you another activity to help pass the time.

KAWS Stay Steady & No Ones Home Puzzle Multi Set

When in doubt, always pull out the puzzles. If there is anything that we’ve learned from our time under lockdown is that puzzle sets are one of the best ways to watch the time pass. We even have the data to back that up too, with close to 4,000 jigsaw puzzles moving through our Authentication Centers this year. These puzzle sets from artist KAWS are the distraction that we all need. But not only that, it will also be one of the cheapest ways to own anything KAWS. With each set showcasing colors and patterns that are quintessential to KAWS’ work, after putting together the 1,000 piece set, you can frame it and say “I own a KAWS original”. Even if you don’t frame it, it’s still bound to be a challenging set to put together and that’s just what you need to get you through any cold blizzard night.

Daniel Arsham Exoplanet Candle White

If card games, jigsaw puzzles, toy cars, and angsty teenagers doing kickflips aren’t your thing, then how about a starry night with a big moon? Although it’s hard to see anything outside during a total blizzard, Daniel Arsham is making it easier to bring the moon and the stars indoors, while also providing much-needed light during the blackout. The Exoplanet Candle is perfect for both your inner astronomer and also your love for seeing things in the dark. The set comes packed with a hand-sculpted crater filled moon. You can hold the moon in your hands without the need for a lasso (shoutout It’s A Wonderful Life). Planetarium aside, when unscrewed, the moon also acts as a fragrant candle, bringing in much needed fresh hints of fig leaf, coconut milk, and cut grass. The scent alone will transport you back to summertime when it was warm, inviting, and full of working electronics.

2020 Pokemon TCG Sword & Shield Box

You can’t play Pokemon Sword and Shield on an uncharged Nintendo Switch Lite, so bring the battle to life with the card game. Remember being a little kid, sitting in front of the TV after school and watching Pokemon battle and wanting to do the same? Well, you can still do that, it’ll just take a little imagination! The beauty of this box set is that you don’t know what you’ll get inside. Think of all the rare Pokemon you will have in the palm of your hands. And if you play with another member of the house, you both can battle against each other and trade cards. It’s like being back in grade school, just without the bullies and getting shoved into lockers.