May 19, 2017

Last updated on August 27, 2020

Lusting After a Bag? Here's Why You Should Be Bidding at StockX No Matter What


Content Director, StockX Bags

So, you’ve spent countless hours scouring the internet, surviving on Nutella sandwiches and instant coffee, in search of that classic Chanel flap or hard to find Hermes Birkin you’ve had your eye on for years.

Life is tough, we know.

Fortunately you have StockX on your side. Nice to meet you, the pleasure is all ours. StockX is the world’s first “stock market of things,” a live ‘bid/ask’ marketplace where buyers place Bids and sellers place Asks. When a bid and an ask meet, the transaction happens automatically.

An Ask is a listing for sale, the amount of money that a seller is willing to sell an authentic and brand new handbag.

A Bid is an offer to buy, the amount you are willing to pay for an authentic and brand new handbag. It tells the world, hi world, if you want to sell a bag at this price, I will buy it and love it and cherish it forever and ever and ever.

At StockX, you don’t have to wait for a bag to be listed for sale to put a bid in. You can bid on items even if there isn’t an Ask. A seller will then see that a bag they potentially have is in demand. They’ll list the bag and if your bid and their ask meet, it will be magic. You’ll increase your chances of attaining your dream bag and cut down on Nutella consumption. It’s a win-win. Just think, this could be you soon:

This simple perk is just another part of our mission to make your bag buying experiencing as easy as possible. You’re welcome.