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Bearbrick Series 47 Sealed Case 100% (24 Blind Boxes)

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Product Description

The Bearbrick Series 47 Sealed Case 100% (24 Blind Boxes) is an unopened case of twenty-four unopened 100% Bearbricks, each sealed in mystery foil packaging.

Bearbricks are 100% versions of collectible figures, coming in at three inches tall. Japanese MediCom Toy designs the set. The Bearbrick Series 47 boasts 21 designs, of which six are a secret and not even printed on the main box. Collectible artist cards accompany each Bearbrick and are also wrapped in mystery foil. Series 47 is dotted with Bearbricks superheroes Flash, Batman, and a secret Artist in Series 47 called The Met. You’ll also encounter the Basic Jellybean, Pattern, Flag, and Horror themes.

The element of surprise stands out as the best feature of these blind boxes. It’s an adrenaline rush, not knowing what you’ll get. The Bearbrick Series 47 Sealed Case 100% (24 Blind Boxes) was released in January 2024.

12-Month Historical

12-Month Trade Range
£62 - £154
All-Time Trade Range
£92 - £110
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