Sneakers - July 11, 2014

Last updated on August 10, 2017

Sneakerhead Survey: Initial Results

Several weeks ago we launched the Sneakerhead Survey with the goal of gaining a better understanding of our community. The survey consists of 25 short questions, including basic demographics and typical questions about life as a sneakerhead, such as how many pairs you own and how much money you spend on sneakers.  We’ve had over 1000 respondents so far, and our goal is to get 20,000.  The survey will stay open for at least a few months in the hopes of reaching that goal.

Campless Sneakerhead Survey July Initial Results 070214

Obviously this chart is just a small sample of the data collected so far, but here’s the typical profile so far: Your average sneakerhead is male, 21 years old and owns 34 pairs.  The most he’s ever paid for a pair is $309.

If you haven’t already done so, please take the survey and contribute to a better understanding of our community. If you do you will have good release day karma.