Louis Vuitton Neverfull bags were first introduced in 2007. Although these bags were originally designed to serve as beach bags, they would transform into more than that. They quickly turned into some of the best-selling bags in Louis Vuitton's lineup, and as a result, they became some of the most recognizable LV bags around. At 12.6 x 11.4 x 6.7 inches, they're also some of the largest bags in LV’s collection.
Like many other LV bags, the Louis Vuitton Neverfull is constructed out of high-quality materials that are built to last. It features monogram coated canvas, natural cowhide leather trim, gold hardware, and a striped textile lining. At the same time, it's also made to make everything placed inside of it easily accessible, so it includes a hook closure, a zipped interior pocket, and a detachable zipped pouch, along with four side laces to ensure comfort and security.
When the first Louis Vuitton Neverfull was unveiled, it was only available in LV's traditional brown. But over the years, LV has released it in a variety of other colors, and they’ve introduced a series of new styles too. The Louis Vuitton Neverfull Empreinte MM Black, Louis Vuitton Neo Neverfull Damier Ebene GM Cerise Lining, and Louis Vuitton Neverfull Damier Azur Summer Trunks Forte dei Marmi MM Beige Lining are just a few of the choices.
Louis Vuttion tends to keep a tight lid on how many new Louis Vuitton Neverfull bags they release each year, but StockX can help you find your very own. Look at some of the LV Neverfull options we have in stock.