Josh Luber of StockX on 60 Minutes

July 7, 2015

Last updated on May 2, 2016

59 Minutes and 59 Seconds

That’s how close Campless came to being featured on 60 Minutes…

If you saw 60 Minutes Sports on June 3 on Showtime, you saw a feature on sneakerheads.

Well, kinda.

It was actually a feature of Shawn Pecas of Roc Nation Sports, who happens to be a sneakerhead, plus a few side interviews from C.C. Sabathia and Victor Cruz about their sneaker collections.  This is significantly different from the story they set out to do:  a profile of the secondary market.  At least that’s what the pitch was when the producers asked me to get involved; when Pam Oliver interviewed me for four hours; and when an entire film crew shot multiple scenes of me working at IBM.

Unfortunately, I received an apologetic call from one of the producers the day before it aired, explaining that the network execs had decided to cut the boring data guy and focus on the celebs.  I can’t blame ’em, ya know – what we do is pretty nerdy.  I’m always shocked that anyone cares about sneakerhead data the way we do, and am certainly appreciative of having even one person with whom to share our work.

Notwithstanding the end result, I had a great time talking to Pam Oliver (who couldn’t have been nicer), working with the producers (who were genuinely disappointed they couldn’t do the full story), and telling my friends and family I was going to be on 60 Minutes (even though I had to tell them I got cut).

Perhaps they’ll do a follow up piece and use my footage.

Until then, I have these mementos of the day – a day during which I made a lot of weird faces . . .

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