StockX Chinese Menu Email Settings

June 2, 2016

Last updated on November 12, 2020

Customize Your StockX Experience . . . Now With Egg Rolls

This is a story about email settings.  Most companies view them as an afterthought.  We’d create a mini-series about ours if HBO would return our calls.

StockX is a true market, built on data.

This has two very big, very cool implications:

  1. Markets move
  2. We can use data to watch the market move

For example:  If you are bidding on a sneaker, you may want to know when the lowest Ask has changed, or if someone has placed a Bid higher than yours.  If you are selling a sneaker, you may want to know when the highest Bid has changed, or if someone has placed an Ask lower than yours.

And that’s just the tip of the romaine . . . no wait, iceberg.

Bids, Asks, Portfolios, Cop Lists, Recent Sales and more.  There are dozens of moving parts, any one of which may be of interest to you at any given moment.  That much data can be overwhelming, so we’ve made it easy for you to watch what you want, when you want it.

We’re like the Netflix of sneaker data.

But we’re also the George Washington of sneaker data.

So you can call us Netflix George . . . er . . . let’s just move on.

You may have seen some emails lately.  We’ve been testing.  We’ve tested various emails and data thresholds to identify those notifications that are the most valuable, but least intrusive.  In the process of testing, there may have been a few emails that, were, how you say, not so amazing.  Lowball anyone?  Our bad.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by these emails.  But rest assured, it was all in the service of creating the best possible experience for everyone.  And we appreciate all of the feedback.  Please keep sending it.

Now that we’ve identified the most valuable emails for tracking the market, we’ve added the final piece:  Customizable Settings.

With ten emails to choose from, we started referring to the list internally as a “Chinese menu” of options . . . and our developers took that quite literally.  Maybe they were inspired by our favorite lunch spot, maybe they’ve always wanted to work at a Chinese restaurant.  Either way, I’m pretty sure this is the greatest email notification settings page in the history of the internet.  And, if you’re not careful, you may actually end up with lunch:

StockX Chinese Menu Email Settings

Now you can choose your favorite email menu items.  Customize what emails you receive from us in your Buying and Selling notifications.  Just think of this like your own personal StockX dim sum brunch.  And feel free to pick a side or two.  Gluten free fortune cookies available upon request.

For anyone concerned with “lowball offers”, make sure to check out menu item number 430.  Extra spicy, optional.

To get to your email settings just hit the Account drop down at the top right of the page (or go directly to If you have any questions, hit us up at

Email Menu Settings