November 21, 2019

Last updated on August 5, 2020

Rules Of Watch Collecting - $5k - $10k

We up the ante with another set of rules to watch collecting.

We up the ante with another set of rules to watch collecting.

In our third installment of 5 Rules Of Watch Collecting, we’re moving into the $5,000 to $10,000 territory, which presents a new set of subject matter to be considered. Don’t miss part 1, which focuses on watch collecting that is under $1,000 here, and part 2, which jumps into the $1-5k range here. All the rules outlined there will also apply here.

Watch collecting in the $5 – 10k range moves into more recognizable territory, including brand names like Omega, Rolex, and Cartier. This is a highly competitive territory, and will generally bring you the most bang for your buck as a result. This range will encompass entry-level options from some higher end brands, but you shouldn’t rely solely on the branding to ensure you’re getting the right watch for you.

Here we’ll breakdown 5 rules of watch collecting for you in the $5 – 10k price range.

1. A little research goes a long way.

Some of the actual value you’ll find attractive in watches here will appear in what can be rather technical details. Terms like co-axial escapement, or Parachrom hairspring will be bandied about, and understanding them can give you a better sense of where your money is going. Additionally, you may find more exotic complications in this price range and it pays to understand their purpose and complexity, not to mention how they work.

2. There is a difference between implied value, and actual value.

Knowing the difference is key in this price range. Decide where you want to put your money, whether in the brand name or the level of complexity or the history. The amount of value each area adds may be personal to you that’s what makes each collection unique.

3. Buy for your taste, not the internet.

It’s easy to find yourself scrolling through an endless Instagram feed ogling at the latest and greatest, but you shouldn’t base purchase decisions on the what’s getting the most ‘likes’ that day. Don’t fall victim to the hive mind and make sure you feel comfortable buying for your tastes.

4. Limited Edition doesn’t always mean Limited Edition.

In this range you’ll notice the term Limited Edition being thrown around, but don’t let that alone influence your purchase decision. The majority of these releases aren’t exactly limited in nature, and will not influence the long term value of the watch. So unless it’s truly limited (think 50 to 100), don’t place a lot of weight on the term.

5. Bid aggressive.

This one applies to using StockX to build your collection. If you’ve got a hard budget cap, but have fallen for a watch just over that $10k threshold, use StockX to your advantage by placing a Bid in your comfort zone. We see sellers move to meet demand all the time, so don’t let a high Ask scare you aware from the watch you really want.

Shop watches priced between $5 – 10k on StockX right here.