Collectibles - September 24, 2020

Darkness and Light with Perks and Mini

Pete Forester

Pete is a writer, host, and producer based in New York City. He is the Editorial Director of StockX.

We caught up with Shauna Toohey and Misha Hollenbach of Perks and Mini, to discuss the duality and existentialism built into their latest collaboration with UNDERCOVER as a part of the newest DropX.

We caught up with Shauna Toohey and Misha Hollenbach of Perks and Mini, to discuss the duality and existentialism built into their latest collaboration with UNDERCOVER as a part of the newest DropX.

The latest collaboration between Perks and Mini and UNDERCOVER dances on the line between life and death. Available in black and white, the UNDERCOVER x PAM Skull & Hand Lamp is the latest project between the two brands and grew naturally out of their consistent relationship that’s developed over the years. Ten lamps from this drop have been made available early through StockX as a part of a DropX, and to mark the occasion we spoke to Shauna Toohey and Misha Hollenbach of PAM to understand what makes this project so special and whether you should be afraid of it…

The following interview has been lightly edited for clarity.


How did this lamp collaboration with UNDERCOVER come about? What was that ideation moment or conversation? Youā€™ve worked with Medicom in the past on soft goods, but why a lamp with UNDERCOVER and why now?

Misha Hollenbach: This is our 3rd ā€˜officialā€™ collaboration with UNDERCOVER. We had released the ā€œBlack Massā€ Lamp a few years ago with Madonna buying the very last lamp! Previous we had collaborated on a project with Jonio, and with Nobu Kitamura of Hysteric Glamour, entitled “Zamiang.” We find ourselves in Tokyo a few times a year, and are always hanging out with Jun [Takahashi], projects are often talked about, and many ideas are shared.

Shauna Toohey: We had made a lamp with UNDERCOVER and Medicom in 2008, we had always talked about continuing the collaboration and in 2015 we started to develop this second lamp, exploring further the graphic and romantic use of the skull. We developed the lamp together with Jun over many meetings and sessions. We visit Tokyo up to four times a year, so we could catch up on the project and check prototypes while in Tokyo. Upon reflection, itā€™s been so refreshing to spend such a long time on a project. I believe the end result is fully resolved. Itā€™s a testament to the lamp that I love it as much now as back then. Maybe even a little more because of all the care and thought that has gone into making it.

What were some of the challenges that came up during production? How did you solve them?

MH: This is where the genius of Medicom steps in! The process of this project took a long time, but we also embraced the fact that ā€˜good things take timeā€™. slowing down and perfecting a product in the world of fast fashion was a welcome approach.

ST: Medicom are really an amazing company for many reasons, they are always up for a challenge and so dedicated to making the design and idea. Itā€™s really a joy to work with them. One of the challenges was that we didnā€™t want to use plastic blister packaging, which is standard issue for such items. Our request was respected by Medicom who came up with using foam after much researching and tests. Medicom really pulled out all the stops and took the time to test and perfect it.

The look of the lamp feels perfectly timed for this social moment. Can you explain how you arrived at this design?

MH: This carries on from the previous collab, which featured a skull with a tree growing from its head, balanced on a stack of books. The Skull is a metaphor not only for death, but life itself. We are all carrying one now! The hand is a symbol of offering, a presentation. The skullā€™s eyes light up, which allows it to see in the dark. The concept of “The Lightā€ and conversely “The Dark” are recurring themes in both Junā€™s and our work and thinking.

ST: The design of the lamp was fueled by finding common ground between PAM and UNDERCOVER to make space in the world for non-conventional beauty. To go deeper and have a point of being. The skull is the great equaliser; we all have one, cradled in a beautiful hand, we all want that. I donā€™t think itā€™s scary, I see beauty and desire in this, I see what makes us human.

What is this lamp saying or making a statement about?

ST: I donā€™t think thereā€™s a definitive message. It could be that the romance and mystery of life and death is always something we should often take a moment to consider. The skull is also where thinking takes place, where ideas come from. I hope the collective experience of Covid can make positive shifts in the world and in the way we think.

Can you talk about the message thatā€™s evoked by having a hand holding a skull thatā€™s sending off light?

MH: Although we never could have predicted the 2020 times when we started the project, we both felt the world needed some reflection, and “soul searching.” These times have forced that to happen, in a way, and we can only see that reflection as a positive opportunity for change. The skull is somewhat a symbol of our humanity, and its eyes, the “windows of the soul,” are what we use to see around us, but also philosophically into our own selves. The fact the eyes light up as a tool to see clearer, to see in the dark. It radiates. The lights also symbolise “the light” which, at the end of the tunnel is our saviour. The hand itself is androgynous, alien, beautiful, shiny, and perfect. This is a gift from a higher power.

ST: I think the interpretation can be personal. I imagine that everyone will have a different take on it based on their desires, fears, and experiences. For me, the hand adds a loving element and beauty to the story. I hope that we all can imagine light coming from our thoughts and our minds.

How does this lamp fit into the larger story of PAM and UNDERCOVER?

MH: The Dark and the Light is like the Yin and Yang. Together they is balance. UNDERCOVER and PAM are both excited by magic and mystery. These are the invisible worlds we both inhabit. In a way, the output of PAM and UNDERCOVER not only draws from these planes but goes on to share the experience of having been there. In a sense, the idea lamp had somehow been passed to us from another world…
The Dark and the Light. Black or white: they are the same thing, the same thinking, the same. Together they are complete.

ST: The lamp was the starting point, the other items are mementos of the lamp. I don’t think many people will walk around holding the lamp but you can wear the t-shirt, hoodie, or necklace and they will be reminders and help share the feelings with others.


Secure your UNDERCOVER x P.A.M Skull & Hand lamp page in either blackĀ orĀ whiteĀ now.