October 28, 2014

Last updated on April 29, 2016

Return of the CLEVE-Ways: 12 Days of LeBron 12

On September 30 we embarked on a 12-day adventure with Finish Line and Larry Luk, promising you twelve days of the LeBron 12. Our mission was a new Cleveland-themed colorway each day – the CLEVEways! To refresh your memory, Day 1 started with the incomparable Mark Price. Reaction was overwhelmingly positive – particularly from Mark’s wife, Laura Price, who retweeted every mention of her husband’s fictional LeBron 12.

LBJ12 Mark Price

Day 2 was off to a similar start, but just as the Finish Line social channels were warming up, Nike pulled the plug.

On October 1 Nike announced the LeBron 12 release date was delayed, causing a global panic that hadn’t been seen since the time people realized the Gheorghe Muresan cabbage cologne wasn’t real. We were so distraught, we couldn’t keep writing. All we could do was watch old clips of the Nike Fun Police and refresh Twitter every 30 seconds hoping for a new release date. And yes, we know you don’t have to refresh Twitter.

Fortunately, all of that is in the past. The LeBron 12 is back on schedule and we are down to two Fun Police clips a day. Most importantly, the CLEVEways resume!

Today Finish Line reposted Day 2, which celebrated the inexplicable Ricky “Wild Thing” Vaughn.

LBJ12 Wild Thing

And tomorrow we resume with Day 3.

The hint is: Coburn Haskell.  Good luck!

Stay tuned to the Finish Line blog for the answer, plus 10 more days of CLEVEways.