Chanel Deauville totes replicate Coco Chanel’s revolutionary spirit. Chanel bags only use premium leather, optimized cotton, and metallic accents and are available in multiple styles, including chic, retro, and urban. The totes borrow inspiring designs from the 90s and add a touch of modern flair.
The design of this bag, which includes Chanel, the CC logo, and the address of Coco's first store—31 Rue Cambon—makes a statement in classic Chanel fashion. The Deauville is available in a variety of colors and fabrics in small, medium, large, and extra-large sizes. The bag doesn’t feature a zip-along on the top and only displays a snap closure. The tiny version of this bag lacks the extra leather handles, unlike the larger sizes. Instead, it only has the iconic, leather-topped, braided Chanel chain shoulder straps. The Deauville tote is a Chanel staple that uses cotton lining, a metal strap, and minimal amounts of calfskin leather to keep the weight down. Stylish detailing on the Deauville tote includes interlocking CC insignia, matching color zippers, and a chain strap. To add flair, sinewy accents usually take on a less contrasted hue or a shiny accent.
The Chanel Deauville tote bags are available in various hues, from dark blue, beige, navy blue, pink, silver tone, gray, white, and more. Small totes, like the Gold-tone Small Beige, have simplistic styling and matching color codes. Contrasting color options are also available for large totes. The multicolored bags have text in one color, such as white, and the bag in black or gray. Totes stay true to Chanel’s versatility and can be worn for casual and formal occasions. The bag's wide depth and secret compartments provide multiple storage options for hauling goods.