How We’re Keeping Authentication Centers Open & Safe

Published Mar 30, 2020 - Company News

Update as of 5/5/2020 

As we navigate the evolving challenges of COVID-19, StockX continues to prioritize the safety of our team members and community, while also balancing the needs of our marketplace, which remains open, stable, and strong. We’ve been closely monitoring the Executive Orders in the states where we operate, as well as guidelines from federal and local health authorities, such as the CDC and WHO.

Following Gov. Whitmer’s updated Executive Order for the state of Michigan on April 24, we have determined we are able to reinstate operations at our authentication center in Detroit.

The safety of our team members is paramount, as is their ability to earn a living and provide for their families. Fortunately, these two imperatives are not in conflict, as we have taken aggressive and appropriate steps to reduce the risk of exposure within our workplace. In addition to the extensive safety measures enumerated below, we are now equipping teams with multiple forms of masks, including but not limited to, surgical masks, snoods/gaiters, etc. We have also marked the floors with clear lines indicating six feet of distance between workstations. Additionally, the 25% pay increase we provided our authentication team last month will remain in effect until executive orders are lifted.

For a full list of safety precautions, read our original post below.


Original post published 3/30/20

In an effort to continue serving StockX customers globally, we have been working tirelessly to keep our marketplace open and operational while, most importantly, prioritizing the health and safety of our team members and community. Here are the measures we have taken to keep StockX open, safe, and strong:

  • We continue to listen to and coordinate with federal and local health authorities (i.e. WHO and CDC) in our areas of business to proactively navigate this situation, including the temporary closure of our Authentication Center in Detroit.
  • We established new procedures for personal and workplace hygiene, including:
    • The implementation of advanced safety procedures for all team members including frequent hand-washing, social distancing best practices, and additional station cleaning routines.
    • Requiring everyone who enters the facility to complete a checklist assessing the risk of virus exposure and transmission.
    • Providing all employees access to protective gloves for use while working.
    • Enlisting external cleaning companies to regularly clean each facility with safe chemicals that fight COVID-19 contamination.
  • We have split shifts of team members working at our authentication centers and staggered lunches and breaks in order to reduce the number of people in the space at a given time.
  • We supplied 55-gallon drums of a new water-based disinfecting spray effective in killing COVID-19 for each facility to use at stations throughout the day and at the end of each shift.
  • Where feasible, we have reconfigured workstations so that all team members are a minimum of six feet apart, in accordance with CDC recommendations.
  • In the case of a facility shutdown, team members are placed on a two-week paid furlough. After those two weeks, team members will still retain their benefits with the option to apply for unemployment.
  • Lastly, if a team member is uncomfortable coming to work, or if they are challenged because of local childcare limitations, he/she is permitted to stay at home without recourse.

In addition to the safety precautions put in place to protect the teams, we also recognize the added stress that comes with working under these difficult circumstances. As such, we provided each team member in the authentication centers with a $200 spot bonus to purchase supplies or emergency items, as well as a 25% pay increase that will continue for the duration of the executive orders currently in place.

The COVID-19 situation is fluid and our number one priority continues to be the safety and well-being of our team members. We are taking proactive steps every day to ensure our StockX family remains healthy and safe, while continuing to serve our buyers and sellers around the world each day.

Please check back to this post for any future updates.